  • 字級大小



(Vietnamese version)


【報名時間 Registration】

December 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025


「國際企業與智慧管理外國學生專班」為本校新媒體暨管理學院設立,提供外籍學生就讀之學士課程,經教育部核可後於2025年招生。新媒體暨管理學院為文藻外語大學之實務型學院,基於理論及技術,強調就業實作,在全球新媒體發展趨勢下結合管理基礎與智慧管理,培育具國際觀之管理與創意人才,強調溝通能力與就業競爭力。本院致力於人工智能(AI)的運用與發展,與NVIDIA, Microsoft,及 ViewSonic 攜手合作AI智能之運用與發展,在智慧運用上居於領先地位,為新世代管理開創新的篇章。本專班以華語為平台,以管理專業為基礎,以智能運用為工具,創造網路無邊際世代的企業菁英。

【International Business and Intelligent Management】

This program, established by the College of New Media and Management at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, offers a bachelor’s degree for international students starting in 2025, following approval from the Ministry of Education. The College of New Media and Management is a practice-oriented institution that combines theoretical knowledge with advanced technology. Its curriculum emphasizes practical skills for employment, integrating foundational management principles with smart management practices to align with global trends in new media. The college aims to cultivate management and creative professionals with an international perspective, effective communication abilities, and strong career competitiveness.

Dedicated to the advancement and application of artificial intelligence (AI), the college collaborates with leading companies such as NVIDIA and Microsoft to innovate and apply AI technologies. Positioned at the forefront of intelligent applications, it strives to shape the future of management education, preparing students for leadership roles in the era of digital transformation. This special program uses Chinese as the medium of instruction, leverages management expertise as its core, and employs intelligent applications as tools to develop corporate leaders for the interconnected world of the Internet age.

The College of New Media and Management comprises three departments: the Department of International Business Administration, the Department of Digital Content Application and Management, and the Department of Communication Arts. With an international outlook, it integrates expertise in business management, digital technology, and communication arts to meet contemporary needs and prepare future leaders. Faculty members bring extensive academic knowledge and industry experience, using a balanced approach to teaching that combines theory with practical application. Graduates are highly sought after by employers, and the college’s teaching quality has been recognized by the Taiwan Assessment Association, cementing its reputation as a center of excellence.








【獎學金 Scholarships】

本校鼓勵外國學生研讀,入學前可申請獎學金,入學後每學年亦歡迎學習成績優異的學生繼續申請本專班設有全額(100%)、半額(50%)、25%、15%獎學金。This program offers scholarships of 100%, 50%, 25%, 20%, and 15%. Applicants can apply for scholarships before admission. Further, students with excellent academic performance are also welcome to apply every academic year after admission. 



本專班提供一學期住宿補助金共新台幣25萬元。This program offers students accommodation subsidy of NT$250,000 for one semester (5 months). The rent is about NT$ 5,000 per month around compus. Students can apply after admission.


【實習 Practical Internship】

本專班課程將於大四安排業界實習,學生可以依興趣選擇實習單位,並爭取於實習結束後於留台工作。無實習意願之學生可以修讀本校其他課程。This program arranges industry internships in the senior year. Students can choose a corporation based on their interests and strive to work in Taiwan after the internship. Students who are not willing to do internships can take other courses in the school.


【經濟扶助/打工 Part-time Work Opportunities】

為協助經濟不利學生,本課程提供學生打工媒合,至鄰近服務業場域進行工讀。2025年起台灣最低工讀薪資為新台幣190元/小時。In order to assist economically disadvantaged students, this program offers students with part-time job matching to work-study in nearby service industry fields. Starting from 2025, the minimum work-study salary will be NT$190 per hour in Taiwan.


文藻坐落於高雄市市區,位居主要道路,有公車、捷運,火車、高鐵,鄰近高速公路交流道,交通便利。周邊有百貨公司、大賣場、醫院、現代化綜合體育館。外國學生可搭乘高雄國際機場捷運。相關高雄市介紹可點擊下方連結。 Kaohsiung Travel

【Environmental Overview: Kaohsiung City】

Kaohsiung is located by the southern bay of Taiwan and neighbors Tainan and Pingtung. It is Taiwan’s second largest city, and is only 1.5 hours from Taipei by High Speed Rail. Kaohsiung has the most beautiful harbor view, and is full of surprises with its city charm and ecological culture. Kaohsiung has an abundant of natural and cultural resources, farms, forests, mountains and hot springs, suitable for multi-day trips to experience the warmth of southern Taiwan! To experience the daily lives of Kaohsiung locals, you can take the MRT, LRT, or a bus, or rent a public bicycle simply with your iPass or EasyCard. There are also easier ways to experience the City’s unique charms, such as taking a Kaohsiung sightseeing bus (double-decker bus) or water recreation facilities.




【語言能力門檻 Language Requirements for Admission】

中文授課學程:CEFR A1(含以上)/ Chinese-taught Programs: A1 level or above of CEFR


【財力證明 Financial proof (USD$3,500)】

備註:印尼申請者在申請簽證時需提供 5,000 美元之財力證明或提供政府、高等教育機構或民間組織獎學金文件。

1. Officially offered by a bank to support an international student’s study in Taiwan.
2. A statement offered by a government, institution of higher learning or civic organization providing full scholarship or aid.
Remarks: For Indonesian applicants, please provide the financial proof of USD 5,000 or the scholarship document from a government, institution of higher learning or civic organization when applying for visa.

【申請流程How to register】

Click the following 4 steps to complete the application. Register an account as step 1. Upload applications after receiving your account in step 2. Confirm the registration information in step 3 and submit. Finally declare your identificaiton.

【錄取公告 Admission List of Academic Year】

Bachelor's Degree: July, 2025



中文Mandarin Introduction 簡章 文宣
英文English Introduction 簡章 文宣

有任何問題請來信諮詢 tc0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw 李秘書

本校招收外籍生,除宣傳推廣及協助學生辦理來臺相關必要程序外,未委由校外機構、法人、團體或個人辦理招生。Our school admits international students and manages the entire recruitment process, including promotion and assistance with necessary procedures for students coming to Taiwan. We do not authorize any external institution, legal entity, organization, or individual to handle the recruitment process.